Inner Alignment
Feeling stuck or disconnected?
Are you doing so much but getting so little done?
Pulled in so many directions?
Doing so much for others but so little for yourself?
Feeling like you give so much and receive so little in return?
Maybe it's time to heal the past and set a new direction for the future. One that has you in the center of your life.
The Program
The 8-week Inner Alignment program consists of weekly coaching, daily check ins, and inner personal work to:
*Set the vision for how you want your life and create the momentum in that direction
*Understand and heal your energetic imbalances so you can start to feel some inner bliss
*Unpack old fear that lives in your body and keeps you stuck
*Rewire belief systems so you can step into a more expansive version of yourself
*Set up up your life so that your inner care comes first...ALWAYS
Life can feel joyful and light once you align yourself to your Soul/Heart. Relationships can heal and feel more nourishing once you get you back again. You don't have to live on the hamster wheel anymore. Time to reconnect, align, and feel good again.
Here's what you get:
8 weekly coaching sessions - 90 min via zoom.
8 weekly inner work assignments to keep the momentum through journaling and self discovery.
Birth Chart reading to find your energetic blueprint.
Ayurvedic Assessment.
Awaken Your Potency book.
Between session support (online group, daily texting)
Program fee - $1200
Payments can be made through duration of program until paid in full.
1 volunteer work program scholarship will be available for each 8 week session. This program entails weekly volunteer charity work in exchange for services, and must be outside of regular volunteer work already being done. Email for more information.

Schedule a call and let's talk about creating your personal plan.
Can't find a time that works? Send me an email and let's figure it out :)